Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Lady has Guts!

It is often said that "marriages are made in heaven",but the fact is that to find a true match should not be left for the God's to decide but one should chose it with an open mind as a small flaw here could ruin the entire life.
It seems that Rakhi has understood this funda very clearly, that is why she has taken this "extreme" step of having a swayambar done to chose the ideal person for her.
Many call her "Drama Queen" , who can do anything for publicity, others call her an item girl, but only some can resist her presence.Good or bad, she has the publicity which makes her a cynosure for the public and media.
Of all the episodes aired, i admit that i have seen each and every episode. And i have no qualms about admiting that some of her sentences have really impressed me, be it her stessing the sentence that the meaning of the word "gharelu aurat" is not the woman who does household chores but all the ladies who work outside to give their family a better life and them come home to look after their children and family are also "gharelu", or when she rightfully tells a muslim person that the men are admitted to have a second wife only when their first wife is not able to give birth to their children.
Our society has always been baised towards males, it is a hard reality but we have to accept this fact. In this male dominated society, when a woman has the courage to have her own swayambar done is not an easy task.
Some say that this show is scripted, some say that this is only for publicity, but the fact is that many people watch this show for various reasons , some for mocking, some for following her make up and dresses, and others for seeing how far a person can go for publicity.If Rakhi, knowingly or unknowingly , brings further the causes of woman, or if she makes the people aware that a lady has such a power to bring men to her terms before marriage, then some woman may get the courage to stand up for their causes without bearing the brunt of a bad relation.
By no means, i am pro rakhi, but a part of me admires a lady who has the guts to arrange for her own swayambar in this male dominated society.

PS:Most of the people will not agree with me but honestly think for a second that how many of us have the courage to do so on a national television. The Lady has Guts!


Hanged_Installer said...

See , i have guts to arrange a "SvyamVadhu" like this on national television but i am unsure how many women would turn up and specially when government has made Gay relation legal , i m afraid if any male also turns up and he wins...What then !!!

BTW Kudos to Rakhi , in the end i hope she founds someone who makes her life peaceful and understand her better as in her life there is hardly any such person..

Also i beg to differ on the remarks that in this male dominated society women rarely get chance to raise her voice and opinion..It is more or less subjected to personal experiences i feel.

Good post and quite entertaining and knowledgeful one !!!

manish_desailor said...

Can be admired!!Tryin to be positive!! But it ol depends on lyf of a person to person."male dominated" dis word is dwindling down.Except her who knw's what is d reality?? so its nice being positive ....bt geeting deeply..into it seems a bad idea....!!

manish_desailor said...
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